Thursday, January 21, 2010


Due to jet lag I spent a lot of the day sleeping in my bunk bed at the hostel I am staying at. I did manage to force myself out of bed to explore the city a bit before I head to Norway tomorrow. It would seem a waste to spend my day in Dublin in bed. I took a walk in the evening drizzle and explored the surrounding neighborhood and had to smile to myself every time I passed another pedestrian and I heard their Irish accent. I'm not in Missouri anymore. I went to a local pub and sipped down the best Guinness I have ever had. I am a Guinness drinker in the states and was more than happy to oblige the American tradition of drinking Guinness in Dublin. Note the picture to the left: fraternizing with the locals at a local pub. In the pub, it would totally have been 100% Ireland if VH1 wasn't playing on T.V. or the Irish Independent newspaper wasn't filled with American news. I actually found out things going on in the states that we aren't even reporting on. Strange. I also found it bizarre that most of the locals were drinking Cools light and Budweiser. The grass is always greener on the other side, eh?