Sunday, January 24, 2010

In Norway

I made it to my new home safe and sound. The house sits near the sea and I took a picture of the view from the garden. There isn't much gardening now of course because there is ice and snow but there will be plenty to do in the barn with the pigs and sheep. I will start work on Monday and will learn the ropes of working with the animals. Besides the pigs and sheep I am living with a husband and wife, their three children, and their nanny. There will be more volunteer's coming through so it should be a lively house. The parents and nanny speak English but the children do not. We do not need words while playing. Sign language and facial expressions do the job just fine (and learning no in Norwegain helps too). Piggyback rides, playing Lego's, matchbox cars, fighting with siblings, and crying is universal.