Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snow and feelings of homesickness

The weather cannot make up its mind today. It snows, it's sunny, and it snows. When I went outside to take these pictures I heard the waves crashing on the beach for the first time. Every other day the fjord has been pretty docile, but today the wind is having a nice effect on the sea. I took these pictures standing next to house (without zoom). Yep, we are that close to he shore!

Something to remember: Do not move home for three months to spend time with the family before embarking on an overseas journey. The homesickness is almost as intense as it was the first time I left home at age 18. I'm kind of surprised by my homesickness. I left only a week ago so it is expected and I know it shall pass, but right now it is hard to think of staying through the summer or beyond because all I want to do is give my nephews and niece snuggles and kisses. Have late night talks with my mom. Continue forming a stronger bond with my dad. Gossip with my sisters. Argue with my brothers. Laugh with my friends... and right now I'm having deja vu, literally. Weird.

Homesickness aside, I am happy I'm here. When mucking out the pigs pen or walking along the shore or listening to the melodious Norwegian language, I think, my god, I am in Norway, how cool is that? Pretty damn cool.


  1. Oh god, I totally had, "for all we know, they just packed up and moved away..." going through my head this morning and I wanted to pick up the phone and say it to you. But I didn't think you would apreciate the 7 hour difference.

  2. "Come, let us dance like children of the night"
