Monday, January 25, 2010

That's Some Pig (and sheep)

These are my new pals, comrades, companions. They are eating a vegetarian, organic diet. They are quite progressive, wouldn't you say? It's actually quite cool. They are fed only organic oats, grown here on the farm, and organic bread from a local bakery. They are then butchered and sold as organic meat. I'll have a better vision next time I'm strolling through the organic meat section of Whole Foods. In the winter, while they are in the barn, my job will be to feed, water, let them out to get some fresh air, muck out their toilet area, pet and talk to. I was at first intimidated by the size and noise of the mother pigs but they are friendly and pretty passive animals. Of course they are a huge animal and strong but I don't think I have anything to worry about.


  1. That is one big pig! I love those sheep. Did they say "cheese"? They are totally posed.

  2. They were thinking cheese or some other food handout.
